Monday, October 11, 2004

Are You a Neocon?

We've had some visitors recently who have expressed the amusing opinion that I'm a 'neocon', apparently based on the theory that anyone who doesn't think Bush is a complete disaster and who thinks that America ought to retain some level of sovereignty subscribes to the whole littany of loony Neoconservative dogma.

Neoconservatism is a belief in an aggressive, expansionist foreign policy, US sole-superpower domination of world trade and politics and a judeo-christian based policy on a variety of domestic issues. Putting me in that category is pretty laughable, given my opposition to almost everything Neoconservatives believe in, but Neocon has become a swear word among liberals and they love to try to pin it on anyone they don't understand or find threatening.

I'm going to write more on the nature of Neoconservatism eventually, but in the meantime I think you might be entertained by taking a test to see if you might be a dreaded Neocon yourself. The Christian Science Monitor often comes up with some very clever items, despite their religious lunacy, and although their Neocon Quiz is limited to just foreign policy, it's quite enlightening.

You can test your Neocon leanings by going to: CSM Neocon Quiz

Any guesses where your humble bloghost ranked?

1 comment:

Circa Bellum said...

I got to be a Realist. That's good, I think. At least I can hang out with Colin Powell...