Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Sign for the Times

As promised I did a redesign of the Michael Badnarik presidential campaign poster. Not all that exciting, but much more appealing than the version you may have seen on the streets. You can actually read it from more than a few feet away and it looks clearer and more attractive - in my opinion anyway. I especially think that the stylized torch on the 'I' in Badnarik is an improvement over the very crude and busy liberty statue graphic (see the article to the right titled "Badnarik for President..." for the official sign design and my original complaints about it).

If you want to support the campaign and like this sign better than the original, feel free to print it out and paste it up anywhere you like. For printing use the larger version located HERE . With modern printer technology or a trip to Kinkos you can make nice big versions from this graphic which is high enough resolution to be blown up quite a bit.

I'm not absolutely sure of the legal restrictions, but I believe that if you reproduce this sign as I've prepared it and fill in your name in the provided blank both you and the campaign are completely covered.

And vote for Badnarik. Even if he's stuck with the dogmatic Libertarian opposition to the Iraq War he's still better than Bush on almost every other issue and better than Kerry on every possible issue.


1 comment:

katie nalle said...

Wes Benedict of the Travis County LP pointed out to me that the all caps in the "Libertarian for President" line of my original design was a bit cramped, so I replaced it with something a bit more relaxed with lowercase - which is what you'll see in the current design.

His email also reminded me that there's a bumper sticker based on the wretched poster, so here's a replacement for that. To get the printable version - and inkjet printers can print nicely on adhesive backed paper if you want to make your own - just click HEREDave