Sunday, October 31, 2004

Liberty Under Attack

If the Patriot Act scared you - and it should have - the same folks who brought you warrantless searches and monitoring all of your phone and data transmissions have another one up their sleeves.

Right now the Senate is considering H.R. 10 which includes provisions for a national ID card (section 2173) and a centralized database (section 3052) in which the government will keep track of all your health, financial and personal information, including such things as your HIV status and how many guns you own. Ultimately it would be a single, centralized repository for all of the information collected by every state and local government entity and many private organizations. So a bureaucrat could easily go through and know an awful lot of personal stuff about you, just in case they felt like putting everyone with HIV in quarantine camps or taking away every gun in every private home in America.

This bill is so bad that Eagle Forum and the ACLU which are on the opposite sides of almost every issue are both opposing it. Apparently both the far right wing and the far left wing agree that privacy is important, not to mention being guaranteed in the constitution.

I urge everyone to send a letter to their representatives, both in the house and the senate to urge them to vote against this dangerous legislation.

A group called The Liberty committee has provided a useful form to send a letter to the appropriate people. To access it just CLICK HERE

You can also phone your representative at their local offices or in Washington. You can get their numbers from their websites which are all linked to from That same site also has an emailing page where you can email any member of congress. The Senate has a similar page at You can even go direct to House Majority Leader Tom Delay and encourage him to step in and stop this bill. You can call him at 202-225-4000 or send a fax to 202-225-5117. He can also be emailed from

It's up to you to take action. They're likely to vote on this in the coming week if it gets out of joint committee, so you need to act now.

When fear and complacency make you surrender your freedoms to the government the enemies of liberty win their greatest victory.


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