Monday, October 25, 2004

Selling Your Issue to the Highest Bidder

Just got news of a unique and amusing political/fundraising effort which I had to share.

Some of you may be aware of the outrageous plans here in Austin - as well other Texas cities - to take already existing, already paid for roads and turn them into toll roads. The plan for Austin is particularly rapacious. They plan to basically take all of our major highways running every direction and turn them into toll roads, making it impossible to go anywhere of any distance without paying a toll.

This plan serves two of our most powerful special interests which are normally on opposite sides of most issues. On the one hand it means 2.2 billion dollars for builders and developers and on the other it pleases the huge anti-growth lobby in Austin who have the pipe dream that it will get everyone out of their cars, onto bikes or into public transport, as well as providing money for their demented fantasy of commuter rail projects. This lets the local politicos take their fill of graft with one hand while stroking their hardcore constituents with the other.

There's a lot of opposition to this from the sensible minority in Austin - it's hard to whirl a cat here and hit anyone with common sense - and the most amusing outlet of this which I've seen to date takes the form of an ebay auction. A unique way to publicize an issue and raise money at the same time. For a brief moment of amusement at local politics take a look at: and place a bid if you feel inspired.



Circa Bellum said...

aw darn, ebay killed it already...

katie nalle said...

How the hell could they kill it? It's an actual physical product for sale, not just a solicitation for donations.

In anycase, it's been relisted - and they've added a T-Shirt to the package. Well worth bidding on.

It's now at:


katie nalle said...

For the record, I've updated the original post with the corrected address.

Thought that would make it easier for the casual reader.
